Demo: Automated Transaction Matching with Adra Matcher
See how Adra Matcher brings simplicity to your matching process through automated high-volume, multi-way transaction matching, and exception management.
Adra Matcher enables your team with:

Multi-Way Matching
Automatically match scenarios between three or more sets of data through intelligent rules, cutting your matching time down drastically, and leaving you with fewer exceptions to investigate.

Custom Match Rules
You can pick from a library of predefined match rules, such as Same Day-Same Value that auto-identifies transactions that zero out, or you can add your own match rules for further customization.
Raw Readability
Gone are the days spent cleaning up information within spreadsheets! Adra Matcher reads data in it’s raw form, preventing information from being lost during extraction and import.

“We are no longer spending time manually matching accounts because we now let Adra do the matching automatically so we can spend our valuable time focused on the exceptions.”
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Discover a Comprehensive Solution
Adra Matcher is part of Trintech’s Adra Suite of Solutions which offers financial close automation software specifically built for commercial-size businesses. The Adra Suite works together to automate and streamline your processes, improve accuracy, and reduce risk. The suite seamlessly integrates with many ERPs, allowing you to close faster with confidence.