Empower Your Teams to Make Time Count with Self-Managed Solutions

Blog post

One of the biggest challenges CFOs and CIOs share is the constant balancing of operational efficiency with security and accuracy. One of the most effective strategies to achieve this balance is by equipping teams with solutions that offer self-management proficiency—or, as most people would say, solutions that are “easy to use.”

The Power of Self-Managed Solutions

Solutions that facilitate self-management and configuration empower teams to independently manage and operate systems without constant reliance on IT or technical support. This capability is essential for maintaining efficient, accurate, and secure operations while minimizing dependence on IT resources. Overreliance on IT for every configuration change or troubleshooting of finance system issues can create bottlenecks and frustration for both IT and finance teams.

“The implementation of the Trintech solution was quick and seamless, with no involvement from our IT department.”

Accountant – Crown Holdings, Inc.

Reduced Bottlenecks, Increased Agility

Accounting and finance professionals possess deep knowledge of the financial processes that underpin their technology stack. They are ideally positioned not only to understand and utilize financial software effectively, but also to configure, monitor, and maintain it to ensure best practices are followed independently of IT. This autonomy allows accounting and finance teams to be more agile, reducing holdups caused by technical dependencies.

When your finance team can manage their own solutions, they can quickly address and adapt to changes without waiting for IT intervention. This agility is crucial in today’s dynamic business environment, where delays can lead to missed opportunities and inefficiencies.

“With Trintech, we’re able to not only see what we’re doing, but also what bottlenecks are preventing items from moving forward. Overall, our end users can now spend more time analyzing the data instead of manually managing it.”

LKQ Corporation

Key Considerations for Selecting Self-Managed Solutions

When selecting solutions for your teams, it’s crucial to consider the following factors to ensure they are truly easy to use and empower self-management:

User-Friendly Interface

The tool should have an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface. If the interface is complex or requires extensive training, it can negate the benefits of self-management.

“We used a consultant to help us with the first implementation, but I then was able to implement to our other entities –
That’s how easy Trintech’s solution is to implement and use.”

Accounting Manager, RE/MAX

Comprehensive Training and Support Resources

Even the most user-friendly solutions require some level of training. Ensure that the solution comes with robust training materials, tutorials, and support resources to help users become proficient quickly.

“We were very pleased with the follow-up from Trintech, and their consultants have worked efficiently and devotedly.
The solution is user-friendly and intuitive, and in addition, the consultants gave us substantial training and quick assistance when necessary. In short, the process has been one hundred percent problem free.”

Accounts Manager, Orkla Shared Services

Customization Capabilities

The ability to customize the tool to fit specific needs without requiring coding or deep technical knowledge is essential. This includes configuring workflows, reports, and dashboards to match the unique requirements of your finance operations.

“The automation solutions are highly configurable yet robust,
and it will help your company do what it does better.”

Business Systems Advisor, CBRE


As your business grows, your solutions should be able to scale accordingly. Ensure that the solution can handle increased data volumes and more complex processes without compromising performance.

“Even though our workload is increasing with how fast we are growing,
we are able to keep up with the work thanks to Trintech’s solutions.”


Security Features

While ease of use is important, security cannot be compromised. The solution should have robust security features to protect sensitive financial data and comply with regulatory requirements.

“We all love Excel when you work in Finance, but in reality, it isn’t a secure way to manage your close process.
We are a regulated business in the majority of the countries we operate in,
so we needed an efficient and secure way to document our closing process each month.”

Group Financial Controller, Bitstamp

Integration with Existing Systems

The solution should easily integrate with your existing systems and software. Seamless integration ensures that your finance team can work efficiently without needing to switch between multiple platforms.

“The connector automatically interfaces data flows from our ERP instance into our Trintech solution
so our team can begin analyzing it within minutes. Having the direct interface from our ERP also gives
confidence in the data matching between the two systems.”

Head of New Business and R2R, Serco Group

Vendor Support and Community

While the goal is to minimize reliance on external support, having access to a responsive vendor and an active user community can be invaluable. This support network can provide assistance when needed and offer best practices and tips from other users.

“We really took advantage of everything in the Success Center, all the documentation and the videos.
It actually reinforced the team, no matter your role, you will be a preparer or approver or someone in charge of the setup.”

Sr Managing Director & Head of BPO Operations, Auxis

When Everyone is Empowered, Everyone Wins

Selecting solutions that empower your teams with self-management proficiency is a strategic move that can significantly enhance operational efficiency, accuracy, and agility. When CFOs and CIOs ensure that their teams are equipped to manage their own solutions effectively, not only is the burden on IT reduced, but finance teams are also able to perform at their best, driving the organization towards greater success.

Empower your teams with the right solutions and watch as your organization becomes more agile, efficient, and resilient in the face of change.