Trintecher Spotlight November – Jason Delgado
Blog post
Jason started working at Trintech in 2003, helping to develop an automated method for collecting financial information for Trintech’s DataFlow Services (DFS), which is still in use today. Originally from El Paso, Texas and now living in the Dallas area, Jason has a Texas-sized love for the children in his life.
Jonathan: Congratulations on your selection for the spotlight this month! So, you’re a native Texan then?
Jason: Well…yes, but I think El Paso feels more New Mexican than Texan. You know, El Paso is almost a 9-hour drive away from any of the big Texan cities including Dallas. So, when I moved here to Dallas in 2000, I felt like I was finally living in Texas proper.
Jonathan: You started out by telling me about the automation you helped develop for DFS, but many customers won’t have heard about DataFlow Services (DFS). Can you explain what DFS does for our customers?
Jason: Well, we help our customers avoid the hassle of data processing. This means they can stay focused on more value-added tasks for their organizations. We collect and format all the financial data they need for an efficient, daily reconciliation and certification process. Most importantly, we deliver all this data in a comprehensive, accurate and timely manner.
Jonathan: So, what does the automated method for collecting financial information do for our customers and how is it achieved?
Jason: The automation allows DFS to keep our pricing competitive. It works a bit like an Excel macro, automatically collecting financial information like bank account information from the customer’s banking websites. This means we can collect 10 times more accounts a day than we could if we only manually collected the data.
Jonathan: Wow, that sounds like DFS is handling a lot of sensitive data.
Jason: Yes, we do. Our customers trust us to be secure and thorough. Our auditors scrutinize our processes, which are SOC1 compliant with tight change control processes.
Jonathan: So, I understand you are still working in DFS to help manage the automated data collection. How does that keep you busy today?
Jason: Either a customer will add new accounts or a financial institution will change how their website’s security or navigation works. We have about 25 changes that we work on any given day. If Bank of America changes something on their website, for example, our automation may need reworking to avoid affecting multiple customers. My team and I get in at 5 a.m. to make any required changes to the automation so the data can be collected in a timely manner for post-processing before we send it to the customer. The customer then often the uses ReconNET or T-Recs to auto reconcile the data that we have collected for them on a daily basis.
Jonathan: You’ve been working for Trintech for 13 years now, you obviously like it, but what specifically has kept you here?
Jason: Well, two things really. I love the challenge of a puzzle, and in this job I get plenty of puzzles to solve. I spend most of my day figuring out how to automatically retrieve our new and existing customers’ information in good time for processing. The other is the work environment; while we are handling highly sensitive customer data that has critical timing, Trintech remains a relaxed and supportive place to work. A lot of the DFS folks have been around for a while, and they’re like my extended family.
Jonathan: So, when you aren’t at work, what keeps you busy – hobbies, sports, any children?
Jason: Kids are a large part of the Delgado story. We started married life taking in my sister-in-law who was 12 at the time; that was an induction by fire for us newlyweds [smiling wryly]. Once my sister-in-law left home, we planned to volunteer at a Kenyan Children’s home, but we got pregnant. That kept us from the work in Kenya, but left us with a beautiful first-born daughter, whom we named Kenya. Tonight, I will be going home to craft wizard boxes for Kenya’s 11th birthday party. It’s a Harry Potter-themed party happening this weekend with about 15 kids.
Jonathan: That sounds busy! It sounds like you are comfortable with kids. Do you have any others?
Jason: Yes, [chuckling] we had another 3 children, and then we adopted a little boy named Anton from Russia. He had a low life expectancy due to a rare skin illness called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). Trintech and the DFS team supported us as we moved to Minnesota for experimental treatment, which was successful and ultimately extended his sweet life.
Jonathan: Thanks, Jason. I really appreciate your time and hearing stories like yours where Trintech and Trintechers have been mutually supporting each other over the years.