18. Annual Forum SSON – Shared Services & Outsourcing Week
Tuesday, November 14th – Thursday, November 16th

Trintech is a proud sponsor of the Shared Services and Outsourcing Week in Germany ! We’re excited to join this innovative event that brings professionals together to connect with shared services industry leaders. With the current challenges that Shared Service Centers are facing new technologies, orchestration, AI and applicability play a crucial role.
Don’t miss our workshop on the Focus-Day (Day 1)!
Embracing Finance Transformation: A Comprehensive
Dive into the world of finance transformation in this
interactive workshop. Explore a holistic approach to a
successful transformation journey, covering strategy,
technology, human resources, and processes. Gain
insights from real-world cases and learn how to
synergize these elements for optimal outcomes,
fostering growth and overcoming challenges. Join us
to celebrate the concept of a ‘Comprehensive Finance
Transformation Journey,’ and leave inspired to pave
your way to success.

Meet us at our stand during the event from November 14-16, 2023 in the Waldorf Astoria in Berlin!