Roundtable Dinner | Evolution in the Month-End Close: How Automation Drives Transformation
Tuesday, May 16th
Now more than ever, finance and accounting (F&A) departments are under increased pressure to maximize efficiencies, increase the use of automation, and provide insightful, real-time analytics to the business in order to make faster, business critical decisions. An uncertain economic outlook for 2023 is pushing F&A leaders to undertake significant cost reviews to identify which costs can be cut and which expenditures are necessary to ensure “business as usual” operations. However, according to a recent study by Gartner, “78% of F&A leaders will increase or maintain enterprise digital investments through 2023 even if inflation persists.” The F&A role is evolutionary by nature and business leaders must be strategic and nimble – ready to react quickly to constantly fluctuating economic circumstances, and one of the most successful ways to do this is through the adoption of technology.
Join our roundtable dinner to learn how best-in-class companies are adopting purpose-built automation to transform and modernize their month-end close to reduce hours spent on tedious manual processes, improve reporting accuracy and free up time for finance teams to focus on more value-additive work. Discussion topics will include:
- Health checking your current month-end close process and identifying current bottlenecks
- People-related challenges (e.g. churn, attracting new talent, expectations)
- How automation can support F&A leaders to become a partner to the business by providing real-time insights
- How are you currently managing risk and what are the challenges you are facing?
- How do you make the business case for change?
