Shared Services & Outsourcing Week 2023
Monday, March 20th – Thursday, March 23rd
Trintech is a proud sponsor of Shared Services & Outsourcing Week – the world’s largest and longest running Shared Services & Outsourcing event! We’re excited to join this innovative event that brings professionals together to connect with shared services industry leaders. As shared services evolves through automation, digitization, the future of work, and a focus on process excellence, SSOW is critical to guide business services executives through these areas of opportunity.
Session Title: Automating Third-Party Delivery Reconciliations for More Timely and Accurate Reporting
During this session, Trintech, IQ BackOffice and G2G Management Group will discuss how standardizing and automating third-party delivery reconciliations will allow you to enhance your controls for more timely and accurate reporting. Session topics will include:
· How removing low value repetitive manual tasks can enable a shift of focus to delivering insights
· Why financial automation projects should be considered to drive competitive advantages
· How technology can strengthen your controls framework of the retained and outsourced organizational team
Hosted by: Trintech