Automate Your Credit Card Reconciliations

5 Tips to Enhance Your Credit Card Reconciliation Process

Nowadays, a majority of companies have a high number of customers who prefer to make payments using credit and debit cards. Credit cards have improved the speed and efficiency of payments. However, this has created challenges for accounting teams in managing the increased number of transactions.

For most organizations, the amount of transactions they handle daily exceeds what they can handle efficiently and accurately.

This eBook will cover five best practices for automating your credit card reconciliation process:

  1. Become Self-Aware: Credit card reconciliation issues differ among companies and have various impacts on daily processes. Understand what challenges you face when you’re beginning to reconcile credit card transactions.
  2. Change Your Mindset: Sticking to old ways is time consuming and prevents innovation and improvement of outdated processes.
  3. Trust Your Employees: You hired them for a reason, whether it’s their problem-solving skills, work experience, or work ethic. An automated system could be saving time for your team and showing them you value the work they do.
  4. Standardize & Centralize: No matter what credit card reconciliation issues your company struggles with, the best solution is an automated reconciliation process.
  5. Adopt Current Technology: Most companies handle their reconciliation process by manually combing through spreadsheet after spreadsheet. Credit card reconciliation software eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces human errors.

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With Trintech, we have automated about 90% of our reconciliations which has saved us a significant amount of time each month.”
