Save Time And Effort With Automated Match Capabilities
Leverage a robust matching engine not typically seen in a solution designed and priced for commercial companies. Where possible, transactions are matched in a fraction of the time that manual processes take, so accounting teams can focus on handling only the exceptions.
Match transactions with bank statements, credit card statements, point of sale, merchant, 3rd party delivery services, and other external sources in a fraction of the time that manual processes take. Adra Matcher can read your data in its raw form, eliminating time spent cleaning up the information in your spreadsheets. With automated multi-way matching capability (3-way, 4-way, etc.), you’ll be able to quickly set up match scenarios and deploy intelligent rules to automatically review one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many matches. With our sophisticated matching engine, you’ll end up with fewer transactions to investigate so your team can focus on researching and documenting the exceptions to fix unresolved matches more quickly.
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The Benefits of Trintech’s Adra Matcher
The time savings isn’t just during the close process. We also see it from a day-to-day perspective. We are no longer spending time manually matching accounts because we now let Adra do the matching automatically so we can spend our valuable time focused on the exceptions.”